Video conferencing has been around for quite awhile now, but advances in technology have made this a very attractive option for anyone looking to lower travel costs and expand their global reach. Recently, access gotten much more affordable and picture and sound quality has improved so much that many industries are taking advantage of the benefits of video conferencing. Video conferencing can allow you to have a real-time conversation with someone across the world, while still being able to see facial expressions and body language. This has been especially useful in mental health services, where patients can be put in touch with the best doctors and psychiatrists available without actually having to travel to hospitals and clinics. The benefits of videoconferencing in the telemental health industry can be read in a recent Time Magazine article found here.
The Rostie Group offers many videoconferencing solutions at both its Downtown and Airport locations. We have conducted interviews, board meetings, press conferences, and even birthday parties through videoconferencing. Videoconferencing is the best way to connect with multiple clients around the world in seconds, without having to step foot in an airport. To find out more about The Rostie Group’s videoconferencing abilities, please visit our website.